Design Impacts us all.
What is the Job of a Designer, and how can I become a Designer? In this podcast series we interview leading Designers to answer these questions.
Good design has the power to improve the World and our experience of it. Bad design can add to the World’s growing problems.
Work In Design aims to inspire the next generation of designers, engineers, and problem solvers to tackle issues relative to their lifetime and beyond.
Work In Design provides insights into some of the many types of job roles in Design – The podcast aims to demonstrate that design is a commercial vocation with broad and rewarding career opportunities.
Work In Design discovers skills required to be a designer. Some useful skills in design are less obvious; being able to draw well for example is not always essential.
Design has an impact on everyone and therefore Designers should reflect our diverse cultural World. Work In Design’s insights will hopefully help inspire an increasingly diverse workforce within design.
Background and Host.
I’m Kieron Bakewell, the host and founder of Work In Design. I’ve worked as a designer since 2003. In 2005 I co-founded the furniture company naughtone. My skills and passions are predominantly in design, although I have picked up business skills along the way!
During 2020 in my role as design director at naughtone, I was prompted to look at the diversity within the design department at naughtone. Ultimately it was not a diverse group. I did not consider this intentional, rather a more accurate representation of those actually applying for roles in design. This got me thinking more broadly about how anyone finds their way into design careers?
Working in design has been immensely rewarding for me on so many levels. The people, travel, challenges and feeling like you can make a change and contribute in a meaningful way.
If I can, I’d now like to help others find their way into and enjoy this fantastic vocation. Hopefully they’ll help solve tomorrow’s problems along the way.